Tuesday, February 24, 2009

I have lost weight a couple times in my past, but never was I as big as in the spring of 2007. I was so uncomfortable with the weight, diabetes out of control, and the fact that I was falling asleep whenever I was sitting at anytime during the day. How I functioned is beyond me. Let's just say the Lord was watching out for me cause sleeping while driving a car is not a smart idea.

Seeing the Doctor in the late spring, it was diagnosed pretty quickly that I had sleep apnea. After going through a few sleep studies (not fun but necessary) I started with a bi pap breathing machine that enabled me to get oxygen into my body while I slept. I immediately started to feel better and did lose 20 pounds without changing my very poor eating habits. This was from being a little more active and the relief from the sleep apnea.

In January 2008 I joined Weight Watcher's Online and their Core Food Plan. What a great adventure that has been. I was very consistent and successful with losing weight over the next year. I lost 2-3 pounds every week for most of 2008, except for at the end I was losing 1 pound per week and very happy with that.

I started walking for exercise in the summer, around 30 minutes a day. I kept that up during the winter to the chagrin of my family, walking around the house. Worked for me though. I walk 5-6 days per week.

I made it to my weight goal in mid February 2009. Weight Watchers changed around their food plans a bit at the end of December but I stayed with what worked for me. Doing WW online has worked out great for me, I entered all my food, exersize, and weekly weigh ins. The message boards helped me answer many questions.

I have dropped one high blood pressure med and one diabetic med per doctors orders. All my numbers are as they should be.

I do give credit to much support from my family and friends and to God who has been an important part of my strength.

For me the food was pretty basic: I stick with the filling foods concept. Natural foods like meats, chicken, eggs, fruits and veggies. I eat fat free products like yogurt, cottage cheese and salad dressings. I do use splenda and eat sugar free/fat free pudding. My grains consist of brown rice and barley. I tried other grains along the way but find that I like those two the best.

The food plan I am on allows other foods in moderation but I find for me that abstaining from certain foods such as fats and sugars keeps me better on track for losing and maintaining.

In future posts I will detail my daily food plan. I do not have a problem with a lack of variety so I have a tendency to eat alot of the same foods.

I am much happier and healthier now and look forward to maintaining this weight loss and living a more productive life.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Christmas 2006

May 2007

November 2008

February 2009


I have had many people ask me to relate my weight loss journey. I will do this using this blog, adding information a bit at a time, like I lost the weight.