Friday, June 19, 2009

Summer 2009

After an interesting spring/early summer dealing with family issues, I am back to posting. I lost about 10 pounds under my goal weight. My usual pattern of dealing with stress has been gaining weight. Now, I am still 10 pounds under goal but it feels comfortable and I feel (right now) that I will maintain here.

I did stay on my food plan and continue to do so. This is not easy and still involves planning and time but I feel it is worth it! I am really not tempted by any foods that are not on my food plan, what a blessing.

Summer and all the exercise opportunities has been fun and good for me. I still walk every morning but have included hikes and tennis. I have not played tennis in 25 years so it has been fun picking up that sport again.

Health benefits are growing by leaps and bounds. I took a new sleep study in early May and I no longer have sleep apnea! A1C blood count as of June 12 was 5.9. Good news. Still on medications for diabetes, high blood pressure and cholestrol but who knows, maybe those will be reduced or elimated with time.