Tuesday, November 6, 2012

November 2012 USA Election

Election Day today. What an honor to live in a country that we can learn and think, then decide on our own who to chose. I feel very proud to be able to cast a private ballot and be comfortable in my decisions. Thank you to all the men and women who have served this country that allow me voting freedoms.

I wish this country was not as divided as it is today. I think we could come to some common ground and decisions that the majority could agree upon and move this country in a positive direction. Love of creator, family and country will move us in this path.

I think of the times proudly that I have seen us stand together in common goals, values and respecting each other. America is our responsibility.

I will pray that the winner of this presidential election be given the wisdom and humility to lead America to a place where we can come together to these common goals.  

Monday, July 30, 2012

I always get a kick out of this time of the year when people lose track of the calendar-I think summer does that. Last week, I heard a few people panic that August is right around the corner.

In education it seems the goal is to have everything ready for day 1. Is that ever possible? I know prep is necessary, but school starts on a given day-so everything is ready or not- class proceeds! And everything turns out just fine!

I have been working this summer on preparing our five LUMIN Schools with their technology needs. What a joy to work with dedicated teachers and staff who truly care about students and their education and faith.

LUMIN is opening a new school this year, CUSPilgrim. Growth leads to opportunities and possibilities!

Enjoy August!

Monday, July 2, 2012

July 2, 2012

I love July! Educator at heart, even though I am not in the classroom anymore, summer is happiness!

God Bless America-all our freedoms, blessings and opportunities.

Daughter Katherine, friend Naomi and I celebrating our Country in our American Flag shirts. Naomi commented that I always wear flag shirts, so I had to buy us matching ones!

May your Independence Day celebrations be happy and safe.

Monday, May 28, 2012

End of May 2012! What exciting days. On Thursday, I ended my teaching career in the classroom. I always said that when our youngest graduated from High School I was going to end my career in the classroom.  I was down to two days per week for this school year, but it is still exciting to move on to new adventures. I am so grateful for my teaching opportunities at Trinity-Edwardsville, IL, St James- Lafayette IN, St. Peter-Immanuel- Milwaukee WI (where I received the opportunity to begin my technology teaching/training), Mt Calvary- Milwaukee, WI, , Northwest- Milwaukee, WI, Concordia University School- Milwaukee, WI. So much support and caring from staff and students at these fine churches/schools.

For the 2012-2013 school year, I will be almost full time, managing the Educational/Informational Technologies for LUMIN Schools. I have been working in this capacity the last few years on a part time basis.

I am looking forward to this new phase in my life.

Friday, May 4, 2012

Thinking about prayer today. A great guide-ACTS.

  • A for Adoration of my Creator and Savior. 
  • C for Confession of my sins.
  • T for Thanksgiving and Gratefulness
  • S for Supplications, people, places and things. Always looking for God's Will, not mine!

Friday, April 20, 2012

Gordon Heiden

Tomorrow (April 21, 2012) is the funeral for my Father-in-Law. As he is laid to rest, I remember a man that I have so enjoyed getting to know for the last 20 years. He was a special guy, taught me acceptance and appreciation for life and family. I remember fondly his reading the Bible by the window and His faith in the Lord. What Blessed Assurance that he is free from the Alzheimer's and any pain that he had here on earth.

R.I.P. Dad

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Remembering.... Never Forget

Reflecting on my Weight Loss and Maintenance Journey

                                                                   December 2006

April 18, 2012

It's Been Awhile!

I know I have not been updating this. The hardest part about losing weight is keeping it off. I still have struggles - mostly with overeating my regular foods, but I have maintained the weight off within a few pounds. God is good!