Monday, May 28, 2012

End of May 2012! What exciting days. On Thursday, I ended my teaching career in the classroom. I always said that when our youngest graduated from High School I was going to end my career in the classroom.  I was down to two days per week for this school year, but it is still exciting to move on to new adventures. I am so grateful for my teaching opportunities at Trinity-Edwardsville, IL, St James- Lafayette IN, St. Peter-Immanuel- Milwaukee WI (where I received the opportunity to begin my technology teaching/training), Mt Calvary- Milwaukee, WI, , Northwest- Milwaukee, WI, Concordia University School- Milwaukee, WI. So much support and caring from staff and students at these fine churches/schools.

For the 2012-2013 school year, I will be almost full time, managing the Educational/Informational Technologies for LUMIN Schools. I have been working in this capacity the last few years on a part time basis.

I am looking forward to this new phase in my life.

Friday, May 4, 2012

Thinking about prayer today. A great guide-ACTS.

  • A for Adoration of my Creator and Savior. 
  • C for Confession of my sins.
  • T for Thanksgiving and Gratefulness
  • S for Supplications, people, places and things. Always looking for God's Will, not mine!