Thursday, July 16, 2009

from Weight Watchers:
Curbing your cravings
So your number one crave controller is to identify where it's coming from. But that doesn't mean that if a big craving comes along you can't satisfy it. Try these top tactics:
Distract it When you notice a craving setting in, try to find something else to think about. Take a walk, listen to your favorite playlist, browse your favorite Web site. Just set your mind to something else. If that doesn't work and after 10 to 15 minutes your craving's still kicking, move on.
Fake it
Try eating the lowest-fat, lowest-calorie variety of the item you're craving. If you find yourself wanting sweets like chocolate, for example (a frequently-craved food, according to studies), opt for nonfat chocolate frozen yogurt instead of chocolate cake. If you're prone to over-doing it, however, don't bring the coveted food into the house, no matter how low-fat or fat-free it is. Instead, go out for your frozen yogurt and order a single-serving cone or cup.
Feed it
If faking it doesn't work for you — say you're still craving something truly decadent, such as peanut butter chocolate ice cream or a burger — go out and get some. Just order from the kid's menu.
Dig deeper
If cravings linger, dig deeper to get at the root of them. Have you been too restrictive? If you suspect so, plan it differently, including more variety and more foods you enjoy into your diet. Is there something going on in your life that's making you anxious, angry or stressed? If that's the case, face the issue head on. For example, if you're worried about an upcoming meeting at work, do your best to prepare for it. By being proactive and making yourself aware of why you may be craving a certain food, your desire for it may abate.

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